
Showing posts from March, 2022

State Finances

Fiscal position of the Bihar Government during 2020-21 The year 2020-21 observed the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that severely affected the government’s finances, because of the economic slowdown. The State Government responded to the challenge with the best possible utilization of its fiscal resources and  increased expenditure  with the appropriate rationalization. In 2020-21, the  Total Receipt  of the State Government increased by  7.5%  over the previous year to  ₹ 1,64,903 crore , out of which the  Revenue  and  Capital  account   receipt  were  ₹ 1,28,168 crore  and  ₹ 36,735 crore , respectively.

Bihar Economic Survey 2021-22

■  Bihar Economy: An Overview On 25 th  February 2022  Bihar’s Finance Minister  Tarkishore Prasad  tabled the  16 th  Bihar Economic Survey  on the floor of the Legislative Assembly. The first survey was presented in  2006-07 . ■ Bihar Economy:

Bihar Current Affairs February 2022

  ■ Monthly Current Affairs ■ Bihar’s first Floating Solar Power Plant came up in the Kadirabad locality of Darbhanga district. The unit, commissioned to Avaada Energy , a private firm, has an installed capacity of 2 MW DC spread across 6 Acre with 4,004 solar modules. Each module is installed in the pond and is capable of generating 505 megawatt peak ( MWp ) electricity. Avaada will transmit power from the plant to the Bihar Renewable Energy Development Agency ( BREDA ), a government agency that works for expansion of clean renewable energy.