Bihar Economic Survey 2019-2020

  On 24th February 2020, the Bihar Government presented its  Economic Survey 2019-20 in the Legislative Assembly. This is the 14th Economic Survey, the first survey was presented in 2006-07.

bihar economic survey 2019-2020

Green cover page with Jal Jeevan Hariyali, mission’s logo.

Growth with Justice is the vision of the State Government.

■ Socio-Economic Profile of the State

• In 2018-19 the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP), of Bihar at current prices was ₹ 5,57,490 Cr and ₹ 3,94,350 Cr at constant prices with the base year 2011-12.

• The growth rate of Bihar’s economy in 2018-19 was 10.53 % (at constant prices) and 15.01% (at current prices), which is higher than the growth rate for the Indian economy.

• The Per Capita GSDP of Bihar was ₹ 47,541 at current prices and ₹ 33,629 at constant prices.

• The Per capita Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) at constant prices (2011-12) in 2018-19 for Bihar is ₹ 30,617. However, Bihar has the lowest per capita income among the states in India and it was at only 33.1% of the national average (Rs. 92,565) in 2018-19.

• As per the 15th Finance Commission recommendation, the share of Bihar in the total shareable resource pool of the centre has increased from 9.67% to 10.06% for the year 2020-21.

• To supplement the growth process, the State Government is working on the ‘Seven Resolves’ (Saat Nishchay) which includes:  

  1. Welfare of youth,
  2. Women employment,
  3. Supply of electricity to all households,
  4. Clean drinking water,
  5. Road connectivity,
  6. Toilet facility, and
  7. Provision of higher technical education.

•To address the challenges to the environment, Bihar Government started its ambitious programme Jal Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan in 2019-20. This programme brings the focus of the policymaking to the issues consistent with sustainable development. An amount of ₹ 24,524 crores is budgeted to be spent on this scheme in Bihar over the next three years starting from the current fiscal.

Contribution of different sectors

• In the year 2018-19, the contribution of different sectors in the Bihar's Economy was:

Primary Sector: 19.7% (Its contribution has come down from 25.8% in 2011-12 to 19.7%)

Secondary Sector: 19.1%

Tertiary Sector: 61.2% (Its contribution has increased compared to 2011-12 level)

Contribution of different sectors-primary-secondary-tertiarybihar-
Sectoral Composition of GSVA at Constant Price for different sectors in 2018-19

■ Sectoral Growth Rate

•The Sectoral Growth Rate of GSDP in Bihar at Constant Prices were: (Source: CSO)

Primary Sector: 0.6%

Secondary Sector: 6.3%

Tertiary Sector: 13.3%

The overall growth rate for the GSDP in Bihar was estimated to be in double-digit during the last two years (2017-18 & 2018-19). This growth was mainly contributed by the growth in the tertiary sector which grew at 13.3% in 2018-19.

Among the sub-sectors, Air transport registered the highest growth at 36% while Water transport recorded the lowest at -5.4%.

According to the Survey, Air transport, Other Services, Trade and Repair Services, Road Transport and Financial Services are the biggest growth drivers of the economy which have registered double-digit growth.

Sectoral Growth Rate of GSDP-bihar
Sectoral Growth Rate of GSDP (2016-17 to 2018-19)

■ District-wise Disparity:

The latest figures available for the district-wise Per Capita Income for Bihar are available for 2011-12 only. As per those estimates, three most prosperous districts in Bihar were: 
  1. Patna, 
  2. Munger and 
  3. Begusarai

While the three most economically disadvantaged districts were:
  1. Madhepura, 
  2. Supaul and 
  3. Sheohar

In absence of latest figures consumption of Petroleum Products per 1000 persons can give some idea about relative prosperous and backward districts in Bihar.

Relatively Prosperous and Backward Districts of Bihar
Relatively Prosperous and Backward Districts of Bihar

• The three most prosperous districts in terms of per capita small savings are Patna, Saran and Buxar.

■ Inflation:

The annual Inflation Rate for Consumer Price Index (CPI) base 2011-12, for the year 2018-19 is as follows:

Rural  : 0.55%
Urban: 5.39% 

Combined: 1.25%

The combined inflation has been lowest in Bihar while it was 4.62% for India as a whole.

■ Unemployment

• According to the Periodic Labour Force Survey (July 2017-June 2018), the unemployment rate in Bihar was 7.2% (Rural +Urban), which is higher than that at the all-India level (6.1%).

Few Definitions:

Labour force: Labour Force includes all workers, either employed or unemployed.
 i.e. Labour force= Number of employed + Number of Unemployed

• Labour force participation rate (LFPR): LFPR is defined as the percentage of persons in the labour force in the population.

LFPR= (Labour force/ Total population)*100

• Worker Population Ratio (WPR): WPR defined as the percentage of employed persons in the population.

• Proportion Unemployed (PU): It is defined as the percentage of persons unemployed in the population.

• Unemployment Rate (UR): UR is defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force.

UR= (Number of Unemployed person/Labour force)*100

■ Extra link: 

The End.

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