BPSC Prelims Test Series-4


Note: All questions carry equal marks. For each correct answer (+)1 marks, wrong answer (-)0.25 marks and if not selected then '0' mark is awarded.

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(हिन्दी के लिए गूगल ट्रांसलेटर का प्रयोग करें।)

All the Best!

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding Belwa Dhar yojana under interlinking of rivers project is/are 'not' correct?

Q2. Which of the following is/are federal features and also present in the Constitution of India?

1. Separation of powers
2. Division of powers
3. Independence of Judiciary
4. Single Constitution for both Union and States
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

Q3. Which of the following is/are not implicit in the idea of Constitutionalism?

Q4. Which of the following statements regarding the Fiscal Deficit of Bihar in the Budget 2023-24, is correct?

Q5. Under the Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah Yojana, what amount is provided to the families belonging to BPL or other families whose annual income is less than ₹60,000?

Q6. Which of the following is/are not a greenhouse gas?

Q7. Which phenomenon is/are responsible for the blue colour of the sky?

Q8. What is the bond order of the nitrogen molecule (N2)?

Q9. Who among the following Indian nationalists was the first person to be deported from India to Mandalay, Burma by the British government for his revolutionary activities?

Q10. From the word ‘PATNA’, how many words would be there which would start with letter ‘P’?

(Q1)C; (This will provide irrigation facilities and relief from floods in Sheohar, Sitamarhi, East Champaran and Muzaffarpur)

(Q2) C; (Separation of Power is not an essential defining federal feature. It can be present in Unitary or may be absent in some federal constitution. Though, there exist separation of powers in the Indian Constitution but it’s not water tight.);

(Q3) A; (The idea of Constitutionalism is fundamentally based on the protection of individual rights and the limitation of government power, rather than the establishment of reasonable limitations on the rights of the people.);

(Q4) D; (All are correct, hence option D)

(Q5) A; (₹5,000/-)

(Q6) B; (Nitrogen)

(Q7) C; (Scattering)

(Q8) B; (3)

(9) B; (Bal Gangadhar Tilak)

(10) A; (For every word initial P is fixed, therefore, we have only four letters ATNA in which there are two A's; hence (4!/2!)=12)


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