Agriculture Sector in Bihar

Bihar is endowed with vast fertile land which supports agriculture as its mainstay of the economy. About 74% of the workforce in Bihar depends on agricultural and allied activities for their livelihood. Besides generating employment, it also provides raw materials to industries augments food supply and assists in poverty alleviation.

The State Government is implementing various schemes under the AgricultureRoadmap since 2008 for augmenting agricultural productivity and farmers’ income. Several programmes have been outlined in the Agriculture RoadmapIII (2017-2022) to increase farmers’ income, ensure food and nutritional security, provide gainful employment, and encourage sustainable use of natural resources. As a result of various initiatives, the state has won 5 Krishi Karman Puraskar since 2012.

The agriculture and allied sector grew at a pace of 2.1% during the last five years (2016-17 to 2020-21). Among the sub-sectors, livestock and fisheries have grown at a pace of 10% and 7%, respectively in the last five years. Overall, the sector accounted for a share of 19% in Gross State Value Added (GSVA) in 2020-21.

Percentage Share of Agriculture Sector in GSVA in Bihar

■ Land Use Pattern

Agricultural land constitutes a substantial part of Bihar’s total Geographical Area (GA). The Net Sown Area (NSA) stood at 50.77 lakh hectares, constituting nearly 54.2% of Bihar's total geographical area in 2019-20.

The Gross Cropped Area (GCA) was 72.97 lakh hectares in 2019-20, implying a Cropping Intensity (CI) of 144%.

Land Utilization Pattern in Bihar-India-Pie-ChartLand Utilization in Bihar

■ Few Stats:

During 2019-20:

 Highest Net Sown Area: East Champaran (2.85 lakh hectares i.e 66.2% of its GA)

The net sown area was more than 80 percent in the districts of Buxar (85.1%) and Bhojpur (81.3%)

Lowest Net Sown Area: Sheohar (0.23 lakh hectares, 53.7% )


Highest Cropping Intensity: Sheohar (1.91)

Lowest Cropping Intensity: Gaya (1.04)


Forest area and Tree cover data ( covered in ISFR, click to read )


■ Land Holdings: (source: Agriculture Census, 2015-16)

• The total number of operational holdings in Bihar in 2015-16 was 16.41 million.

• The total operated area grew from 6.39 million hectares in 2010-11 to 6.46 million hectares in 2015-16.

• The small and marginal landholdings which are less than two hectares, account for nearly 97% of the landholdings in Bihar, operating about 76% of the total area of operational holdings in the state.

•The marginal landholdings have shown an increase of 1.5% between 2010-11 and 2015-16.

• The average size of landholdings in Bihar during 2015-16 is 0.39 hectares and has not changed over the previous census period 2010-11.

• The average size of landholdings stood at 0.39 hectares for both males and females.

•The average size of landholding for marginal, semi-medium and large size class was higher for females than for males.

• Only 14.2% of the total land holdings are owned by females in Bihar.

■ Crop Sector

The agro-climatic and topographical factors in Bihar have led to the cultivation of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, and cash crops.

The cropping pattern has remained nearly the same over the last five years (2016-17 to 2020-21), with cereal crops accounting for more than 85% of the total cropped area, followed by pulses (6.6 percent) and sugarcane (3.3 percent).

Foodgrains (cereals and pulses) together accounted for about 95% of the gross cropped area in the state in 2020-21.

Given that pulses play an important role in nutritional security and soil conservation, the State Government is focusing on the scheme of 'Targeting Rice Fallow Areas (TRFA)’ to encourage cultivation of pulses in those areas.

Cropping pattern in Bihar

■ Production and Productivity:

The total foodgrain production increased from 163.11 lakh tonnes in 2018-19 to 179.52 lakh tonnes in 2020-21 (Several Errors in Economic survey data for eg it has mentioned 17.95 lakh tonnes, which is wrong. I've tried my best to correct the erroneous data.), recording a growth of 4.91 percent.

For cereals, production increased from 158.6 lakh tonnes in 2018-19 to 175.73 lakh tonnes in 2020-21, recording a growth rate of 5.27%. Also, the productivity of cereals increased from 2636 kg per hectare in 2018-19 to 2961 kg per hectare in 2020-21, which can be largely attributed to technological improvements, assured irrigation, supply of certified seeds, and provision of extension services.

Among the major cereals, increase in production was noticed for rice, maize and wheat. The growth rates for production were — rice (9.6 percent), maize (5.0 percent) and wheat (1.3 percent) in the last three years (2018-19 to 2020-21).

Much of the growth in the production of rice and maize can be attributed to increasing productivity, not to the expansion of acreage. In 2020-21, the productivity of rice and maize stood at 2447 kg per hectare and 5229 kg per hectare, respectively.



Paddy is one of the widely cultivated food crops in Bihar. The state has about 32 lakh hectare under paddy cultivation, which is mostly rainfed covering both uplands and shallow lowland ecosystems. The area has declined from 36 lakh ha and there has been inconsistency in its production and productivity during the last five years.

Rice production increased from a modest quantum of 69.53 lakh tonnes in 2019-20 to 73.93 lakh tonnes in 2020-21, recording a growth rate of 9.6% in the last three years (i.e. CAGR with t=2,  from 2018-19 to 2020-21). Moreover, productivity has also increased to 2447 kg per hectare, in 2020-21 and recorded a growth of 12.08%.

Rohtas has recorded the highest production of rice (9.5 lakh tonnes), while Begusarai recorded the lowest (0.24 lakh tonnes).

The highest productivity of rice was recorded in West Champaran (4620 kg per hectare), while the lowest productivity was observed in the district of Muzaffarpur (858 kg per hectare).

The relatively weak production of rice could be due to the following reasons:
  • Inconsistency in the availability of irrigated water for cultivation
  • Flash Floods
  • Droughts
  • Vagaries of monsoon
  • Rising input costs
  • Frequent bacterial disease 
The State Government has made significant efforts through the promotion of Zero Tillage methods and System of Rice Intensification technique to increase rice production.


Wheat is one of the most important rabi crops in Bihar, sown during November and harvested between March and April. It is the second most predominant food crop in Bihar which is produced in about 22 lakh hectare land area.

The main wheat-producing area is Ganga-Diara, Kosi basin, Begusarai district, area falling west of river Bagmati and in the districts of Buxar, Rohtas, Gaya, Jehanabad, Patna, Munger and Bhagalpur.

The production of wheat was recorded at 66.35 lakh tonnes in the year 2020-21, which grew at a rate of 1.3% per annum, in the last three years. Compared with the 2019-20 levels the productivity of wheat also increased to 2985 kg per hectare, in 2020-21; but has surprisingly declined by 0.22% during the last three years (i.e. CAGR with t=2; from 2018-19 to 2020-21).

Rohtas has recorded the highest production of wheat (6.88 lakh tonnes), while the lowest production was observed in Arwal.

The highest productivity of wheat was recorded in Begusarai (3641 Kg per hectare) while Jamui recorded the lowest.

Following are the constraints in achieving higher wheat production:
  • Delay in sowing
  • Low levels of mechanization
  • Low seed replacement rates


Maize is an important staple crop in Bihar and is largely grown under different agro-ecological zones across all the districts. This crop is useful to meet the growing demand for diversified uses such as human consumption, animal feed (for poultry and livestock), and other industrial uses.

Maize is the third main crop of Bihar which is produced in about 6.7 lakh hectare land area. It is predominantly grown in the districts of Katihar, Purnea and Begusarai.

The production of maize was recorded at 35.21 lakh tonnes in the year 2020-21, which grew at a rate of 5% per annum, in the last three years. The productivity of maize also increased to 5229 kg per hectare, in 2020-21. Much of this can be attributed to increase in rabi maize.

Katihar has recorded the highest production of 6.86 lakh tonnes; while Araria recorded the highest productivity at 9419 kg per hectare.

The tremendous increase in maize production could be contributed to growing commercial value due to its use in food processing industries and as animal feed.

The State Government is encouraging maize production by investing in better harvesting technologies and promoting the High Yielding Varieties (HYV) of maize in the state.


Pulses form an important part of agricultural production for their role in sustaining agricultural production by maintaining soil fertility and adapting to different cropping systems.

In Bihar, pulses are produced in about 4.5 lakh hectare land area. They are largely grown under rainfed conditions and, therefore, are prone to high fluctuations in yield.

The production of pulses stood at 3.78 lakh tonnes in 2020-21, which has declined at a rate of 8.6% per annum in the last three years. Fortunately, the kharif pulses such as urad, moong, and ghagra registered a positive growth in production. The productivity of pulses stood at 843 kg per hectare in 2020-21.

Patna district recorded the highest production of 0.60 lakh tonnes and the highest productivity was recorded in Jehanabad at 1452 kg per hectare.

The State Government is also promoting mechanization and grading of pulse produce to reduce their post-harvest losses.



Sugarcane is one of the most important commercial crops of Bihar and provides raw materials to one of the largest agro-based industries. The first sugar factory was established in 1904 at Marhuara in the Saran district which was also the first sugar mill in the country.

Sugarcane is grown in alluvial soil having lime as the main ingredient. In Bihar, sugarcane is grown in about 31.6 lakh ha of the total Gross Cropped Area of the state. It is grown west of Kosi till the northwestern boundary. It is noted that the area lying east of Bagmati is not suitable for sugarcane cultivation. Broadly, it is the area lying Northeast of the Bagmati river which is considered most suitable for sugarcane cultivation.

As per the estimates of the Department of Sugarcane of the State Government, sugarcane production stood at 108.55 lakh tonnes in 2020-21 (61.55 lakh tonnes is wrong ). The productivity of sugarcane crop decreased from 50.85 ton per hectare in 2019-20 to 40 ton per hectare in 2020-21.

The highest production of sugarcane was recorded in West Champaran (58.02 lakh tonnes) contributing over 53.4% of the total sugarcane production in the state in 2020-21. Gopalganj, East Champaran and Muzaffarpur are the other main sugarcane producers in the state. The highest productivity was observed in the Kishanganj district with 91.51 tonnes per hectare.

In sugar mills area, the highest sugarcane yield was 52.55 tonnes per hectare.

The productivity of sugarcane crop decreased from 50.85 ton per hectare in 2019-20  to 40 ton per hectare in 2020-21.

A major incentive scheme for sugarcane growers is the Mukhyamantri Ganna Vikas Programme, aimed at distributing subsidized certified seeds to farmer-beneficiaries selected through the Panchayati Raj Institutions. The scheme provides a subsidy of ₹180 per quintal (for SC/ST ₹210 per quintal) to farmers on purchase of certified sugarcane seed for chosen varieties, for a maximum of 2.5 acres.

In 2020-21, against a total allotment of ₹ 1313.00 lakh, ₹ 387.44 lakh was disbursed under the Mukhyamantri Ganna Vikas Programme. It covered primarily three-teir seed production, distribution, and farmers’ training.


■ Bihar Agriculture Map

Bihar-Agriculture Map- all crops

■ Horticulture

Horticulture is considered a new sunrise sector as it not only can provide much-needed crop diversification but can also increase farmers' income. This has emerged as one of the most important agricultural enterprises in Bihar in the last two decades, as it offers a wide range of opportunities for farmers to diversify their cropping pattern to include fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants.


The total production of fruits in Bihar stood at 50.02 lakh tonnes in 2020-21, under the total acreage of 3.74 lakh hectares.

The production of major fruits in Bihar in 2020-21 was banana (19.80 lakh tonnes), mango (15.50 lakh tonnes), guava (4.34 lakh tonnes), litchi (3.08 lakh tonnes), pineapple (1.14 lakh tonnes), papaya (0.95 lakh tonnes), watermelon (0.49 lakh tonnes), muskmelon (0.22 lakh tonnes) and gooseberry (0.16 lakh tonnes).

Except in the case of mangoes and gooseberry, all the other fruits registered a positive growth rate in production in the last three years (2018-19 to 2020-21).

area and production of fruits in Bihar

District-wise highest in production of major fruits:

  • Mangoes → Darbhanga
  • Litchi → Muzaffarpur
  • Banana → Madhubani
  • Guava → Nalanda

Government Initiatives:

The Agriculture Road Map III (2017-23) reiterates the emphasis being given to organic cultivation of fruits and the development of high-density new orchards of mango, litchi and guava to encourage large-scale use of technology and sustainable agricultural equipment.

Under the programme of Litchi Suraksha Abhiyan, the State Government is promoting high-density orchards of litchi and taking steps to increase their shelf life.

A Tissue Culture Laboratory has been established under the Bihar Agricultural University of Sabour to promote the cultivation of different varieties of bananas.

Further, various programmes are being designed to preserve the premium varieties of fruits such as Sahi Litchi of Muzaffarpur, Jardaalu mangoes of Bhagalpur and Digha Maldah mangoes of Patna.


Production of vegetables has received special impetus in Bihar since the implementation of the National Horticulture Mission in 2005. The State Government is providing substantial support through investments in technology, post-harvest management and processing of vegetables in Bihar. Further, the climate, alluvial soil and water resources are conducive to produce vegetables at a low cost.

The overall acreage under vegetables marginally increased from 8.57 lakh hectares in 2018-19 to 9.15 lakh hectares in 2020-21.  In 2020-21, the total vegetable production in the state stood at 179.05 lakh tonnes, increasing from 166.03 lakh tonnes in 2018-19, registering a growth rate of 3.8%. The total vegetable production comprised potato (91.26 lakh tonnes), onion (13.28 lakh tonnes), brinjal (12.04 lakh tonnes), tomato (11.62 lakh tonnes), cauliflower (10.31 lakh tonnes) and a few others.

Among the major vegetables, the highest growth in production was observed in case of cucumber (18.7 percent), followed by tomato (9.8 percent), potato (5.8 percent) in the last three years.

District-wise Production of four important vegetable potato, onion, cauliflower and brinjal during 2019-20:

• Potato: 
  1. Patna, 
  2. Nalanda and 
  3. Vaishali 
(Potato accounts for half (50.9%) of the total vegetable production.)

• Onion: 
  1. Nalanda,
  2. West Champaran and
  3. Patna

• Cauliflower: 
  1. Vaishali, 
  2. Katihar and 
  3. Nalanda

• Brinjal
  1. Nalanda
  2. Patna, and
  3. Begusarai
Government Initiatives:

In the Agriculture Roadmap (2017-22), specific focus is now being given by the State Government to organic cultivation, and promotion of cultivation on rooftops. Further, setting up low-cost cold storage units and cool chain for the marketing of fruits and vegetables have resulted in better management of horticulture produce and minimize their wastages.
Presently, the National Horticulture Mission is being implemented in 23 districts of the state and in the remaining 15 districts, the Chief Minister's Horticulture Mission is being implemented.
The State Government is investing in input subsidy, infrastructure development, marketing and several other kinds of institutional support to streamline vegetable productivity.

■ Flowers:

As an emerging sector in Bihar, floriculture has the potential to enhance rural livelihoods through diversification.
The total flower production in the state stood at 11.14 thousand tonnes in 2020-21, cultivated in an area of 1.21 thousand hectares.

The production of marigold was the highest at 10.6 thousand tonnes in 2020-21.

The State government is providing quality planting materials to private nurseries, training facilities for farmers and introducing new technologies and high yielding varieties to enhance the productivity of horticultural crops. 

Area and production of flowers

■ Government Schemes:

The State Government is implementing Agriculture Roadmap since 2008. The first Agriculture Roadmap was initiated in 2008 to usher in a rainbow revolution, an integrated development programme of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, sugarcane, fishery, poultry and animal husbandry.  It concluded with a Krishi Karman Award in 2012 to the state of Bihar for achieving the highest rice production.

The second Agriculture Roadmap was launched in 2012 with the main objective to ensure the safety of foodgrains and nutrition, and to augment the incomes of farmers. It paid special attention to road connectivity to help the rural population reach wholesale markets and be able to directly sell their produce. 

The third Agriculture Roadmap was unveiled by the President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, for the period 2017–2022 in November 2017. This entails the allocation of a sum of 1.54 lakh crore for the agriculture and allied sectors, including for food processing, irrigation, flood protection and dairy development projects. In addition, nine other schemes have been launched under this roadmap, including an organic farming corridor, a Bihar Fisheries College at Kishanganj, stone laying of an 11kV agriculture feeder at the Naubatpur block in Patna district, and a three-layer Bihar Vegetable Processing and Distribution Cooperative system. A new aspect of the Third Agriculture Roadmap is the creation of an organic corridor in the districts along the Ganga river.

The Government of India has conferred the Krishi Karman Award to the state on 2nd January 2020, for its achievements in the production and productivity of Maize and Wheat.

 Saat Nishchay-2 (Seven Resolves- 2 ): Har Khet Ko Pani

Under the third component of Saat Nishchay-2 towards a self-reliant Bihar, Har Khet Ko Pani programme has been initiated to provide irrigation facilities to each and every culturable land.

This scheme will be implemented by Agriculture Department, Energy Dept., Minor Water Resources Department and Panchayati Raj Dept.

A joint technical survey is done by the departments, with the Water Resources Dept. as the nodal agency, to identify the unirrigated areas and potential water bodies and irrigation schemes to develop irrigation systems.

Seed Sector Initiatives :

Seed is the most important input in modern agriculture. Agriculture Roadmap programmes are targeted to promote the use of HYV and hybrid varieties of crops.

The Chief Minister Crash Seed Programme is implemented in all revenue villages of the state in which farmers get quality seed for half-acre in case of cereal crops and for one-fourth acre for oilseeds and pulses.

In 2021, a new programme for improving the seed replacement rate for oilseed and pulses was implemented during Rabi 2021.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Agriculture has launched a new initiative for home delivery of seed to farmers. This initiative has been applauded by the Government of India.

Organic Corridor :

The State Government is developing an Organic Corridor comprising of 13 districts. About 188 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) have already been formed. More than 17000 acres of crop area have been issued with organic C-1 Certificate. The State Government has setup an organic mission to give handholding support to the farmers engaged in organic production. The State Government has also started participatory guarantee-based certification.


Horticulture Development Initiatives :

The State Government is implementing the Mission on Integrated Development of horticulture in 23 districts and in the same pattern, the Chief Minister's Horticulture Development scheme in other 15 districts.

Apart from these two flagships schemes, several initiatives have been started to cater to the specific needs of the farmers. In urban areas, a new beginning has been made to promote roof top gardening. The State Government is providing 50 percent help to adopt this practice.

Vishesh Udyanik Utpad Yojna has been implemented to promote cluster-based horticulture production. One crop has been identified for each district and FPOs are formed to provide end to end solutions from production to primary processing to marketing of horticultural produce. The State Government is providing 90 percent subsidy to FPOs to create basic infrastructure.

The State Government is also implementing a special Makhana development programme to increase makhana production through area expansion and also through adoption of new technologies.

The Department of Agriculture has established two Centres of Excellence, one at Chandi for Vegetables and other at Deshri for fruits. In 2021, the Centre of Excellence for vegetables at Chandi provided about 20 lakh of vegetable saplings to farmers and Centre of Excellence for fruits at Deshri provided about 5.20 lakh of fruit planting material to farmers.

The State Government is providing 90 percent subsidy on drip and micro sprinkler systems to promote efficient use of irrigation water. An exclusive digital application has been deployed for generation of online application for the administration of subsidy to farmers. This has given transparency and accountability in its administration and the scheme has found a new impetus in 2021.

For the export of agricultural commodities to foreign destinations, the provision for issue of Phytosanitary Certificate from Patna has been created. In 2021, it was possible to export Shahi Litchi and Zardalu Mango to Dubai and London markets.


Agricultural Research and Education:

The State Government has sanctioned three new agricultural colleges in 2021. A new college of Agricultural Engineering will be established at Arrah, a new college of Agri Business Management will be established at Patna and a new Agri Biotechnology college will be established at Sabour. These colleges will provide the much-needed qualified manpower in these new frontier areas of agricultural science.

Bihar Agricultural University has produced a new film, based on the livelihood security of tribal farmers through new agricultural technologies. This film, Ummed won a national award in the National Film Festival in 2021.

Special Custom Hiring Centres for Crop Residue Management:

Crop residue burning is a major problem in some of the districts in Bihar. Crop residue burning leads to environmental pollution and depletion of soil fertility. The State Government is taking several steps to control this issue.

Large scale awareness programmes have been launched through the Kisan Chaupal, Radio jingles, prayers in schools and advertisements in the newspapers from time to time.

Apart from these awareness programmes, the State Government is providing upto 80 percent subsidy on farm machinery which is useful for management of crop residue. This initiative is being implemented in the year 2021 in Magadh and Patna division districts.


Digital Agriculture :

The Department of Agriculture has started a series of initiatives to use digital technology for the benefit of the farmers. On the DBT portal of the Department, more than 1.80 crore farmers are already registered. For this, Aadhar authenticated database is used for the implementation of various programmes such as Input subsidy, Diesel Subsidy, Pradhanmantri  Kisan Samman Nidhi and various other schemes.

The Department has also launched a new Android App called Bihan in technical collaboration with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bihan is developed as a one-stop digital window for all kinds of digital application in agriculture. Therefore, it integrates various ongoing digital applications and enables new menu which is not covered by any of the existing digital applications. The digital dashboard and the Bihan App is now in the government to government user mode. However, it has planned to open features of Bihan to farmers and others after the launch of the Digital Farmers services.


Strengthening of Agriculture extension:

The Department of Agriculture is implementing several new initiatives to make an effective reach of modern technology to farmers. Kisan Chaupal is organized at Panchayat level. Kisan Pathshala is organized in the farmer's field level. Farmers are taken for exposure visit to agriculturally important locations.


Development of Agricultural Marketing:

The State Government has repealed the erstwhile APMC Act in 2006. The existing market yards are run as government markets where no market fee is levied.

Post the repeal of the Act, the State Government is developing basic infrastructure of the market yards from the State's Plan resources. The State Government has sanctioned ₹ 254 crore for the development of 22 market yards. Besides, a master plan for development of all the 54 market yards has already been prepared. The master plan will be implemented with help from NABARD. It is estimated that ₹ 2446 crore will be invested for the development of the market yards.

The State Government has created a new BAVAS (Bihar Agri produce Value Addition Systemdivision in the Department of Agriculture to take initiatives for organized development of market in the State. The division has already started steps to integrate few of the existing markets on the e-NAM platform.

Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) Program:

The State Government has taken up the Climate ResilientAgriculture (CRA) programme to deal with climate change in the state. The programme has two components: 

  1. A workable plan to cope with current and future climatic risks, and 
  2. Demonstration of climate-resilient technologies in all districts of the state.

A pilot project for 8 districts (Nawada, Gaya, Nalanda, Munger, Banka, Bhagalpur, Madhubani and Khagaria) began in September 2019. Based on its outcome, the CRA programme was approved for all 38 districts of Bihar since the Rabi season of 2020.

(also read)

The salient features of the programme are as follows:

  • Introduction of cropping system based on timely planting of crops as per the developed crop calendar.
  • Improved climate-resilient variety which fits into good quality and is suitable for the cropping system and the crop calendar.
  • Best planting methods (zero tillage, raised bed, DSR, drum seeding, line sowing, etc.) and laser land levelling.
  • Best management practices (water, nutrient, and weed).
  • Feasible crop diversification as per the available soil and climatic conditions.
  • Short and medium duration climate-resilient crop varieties.
  • Crop residue management through happy seeder, super seeder, and straw baler.

Under the Climate Resilient Agriculture Programme, several new initiatives have been launched for crop residue management. Similarly, paddy straws are collected and baled with the use of appropriate machinery. The straw bales are purchased by COMFED (Bihar State Milk Co-operative Federation Ltd.) for sale to farmers. This has provided a much-needed value to paddy straw and also it could save straw from burning, 11KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra)  mostly located in districts where crop residue burning is reported has started a new initiative of Biochar production. In these Biochar units, crop residues are converted into carbon-rich organic fertilizer material. It also saves the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


■ Few Definitions:

■ Gross State Value Added (GSVA): Value of output minus cost of inputs is the value added by a production unit. GSVA is the sum of value added for all final goods and services. GSDP is GSVA plus subsidies, minus taxes.

■ Net Sown Area (NSA): This represents the total area sown with crops and orchards. Area sown more than once in the same year is counted only once.

■ Gross Cropped Area (GCA)This represents the total area sown once, and those areas sown more than once in a particular year. For areas sown more than once, they are counted as many times as they are sown.

■ Cropping Intensity (CI): It is expressed as the ratio of gross cropped area to net cropped area in percentage.

                     CI = (GCA/ NSA)* 100

■ Zero-Tillage: Zero-tillage (also No-tillage) is a practice in which the crop is sown directly into
soil not tilled since the harvest of the previous crop. It is typically practised in arable areas where fallowing is important.

■ System of Rice Intensification (SRI): The System of Rice Intensification is a low water, labour-intensive method that uses younger seedlings singly-spaced and typically hand-weeded with special tools, aimed at increasing the yield of rice production.

According to International Biochar Initiative, Biochar is a solid material obtained from the carbonization thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environments. In more technical terms, biochar is produced by thermal decomposition of organic material (biomass such as wood, manure or leaves) under limited supply of oxygen (O2), and at relatively low temperatures (<700°C). This process mirrors the production of charcoal, which is perhaps the most ancient industrial technology developed by humankind. Biochar can be distinguished from charcoal—used mainly as a fuel—in that a primary application is use as a soil amendment with the intention to improve soil functions and to reduce emissions from biomass that would otherwise naturally degrade to greenhouse gases.

■ References:

• Bihar Economic Survey 
• Economic Survey of India
• ISFR 2021
• Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
• Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Bihar
• Agriculture Census (2015-16)
• International Biochar Initiative

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