BPSC Prelims Test Series- 2
For correct answer (+)1 marks and wrong answer (-)0.25 marks
If your score is in "RED" Work hard. If it's "GREEN" Keep up the good work!
(Q1) C (This provision was in the Second Agriculture Roadmap(2012-17) );
(Q2) A;
(Q3) B;
(Q4) E; (All the hills are correctly matched with its districts but none of the option is correct.Hence option 'e' is correct);
(Q5) D; (All the statements are correct. Hence option 'd')
(Q1) C (This provision was in the Second Agriculture Roadmap(2012-17) );
(Q2) A;
(Q3) B;
(Q4) E; (All the hills are correctly matched with its districts but none of the option is correct.Hence option 'e' is correct);
(Q5) D; (All the statements are correct. Hence option 'd')