BPSC Prelims Test Series- 2


For correct answer (+)1 marks and wrong answer (-)0.25 marks

If your score is in "RED" Work hard. If it's "GREEN" Keep up the good work!


Q1. Which of the following is/are 'not' provision made under the Agriculture Road Map IV (2023-27) of Bihar?

Q2. Who was the first person from Bihar who served as the president of the Indian National Congress and was elected in September 1918?

Q3. According to the Bihar Economic Survey (2022-23), what was the rate of growth of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Bihar in 2021-22?

Q4. Consider the following hills in Bihar matched with its districts.
(i) Dungeshwari – Gaya
(ii) Vanavar – Jehanabad
(iii) Mundeshwari – Kaimur
(iv) Pretshila – Gaya

Which of the options is/are correct?

Q5. Bihar accounts for almost half of the total Gangetic dolphin population in India. Which of the following statements regarding Gangetic dolphin is correct?

(Q1) C (This provision was in the Second Agriculture Roadmap(2012-17) );
(Q2) A;
(Q3) B;
(Q4) E; (All the hills are correctly matched with its districts but none of the option is correct.Hence option 'e' is correct);
(Q5) D; (All the statements are correct. Hence option 'd')

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